Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas Photography Studio’

There are a number of reasons why you might be reading this post, however assuming you have at least a minimal interest in studio photography its probably because the thought of a ‘professional’ shoot excites you. I am however betting that a lot of people reading this have never made the leap into a full blown studio session, and that probably the majority of readers who have did so through a workshop or paid lesson rather than under their own steam.

Photographers found the thought of shooting in a studio exciting but have until recently never been brave enough to actually try. Fear of failure is a common paralysis experienced by photographers and primarily results from expectation and self pressure.

I am sure that most of you have found yourself in situations where friends or family have asked if you could take a few ‘snaps’ at that all-important family occasion. No matter how much they reassure you that all they really want are a few nice pictures, its not too long before tension and (a lot of Photoshop) set in.

So its easy to see why, no matter how much we want to do it, the thought of putting ourselves in a high expectation situation such as a studio shoot is enough to ensure we never actually do it. Having brooded over this for years, I’m here to tell you that no matter how formidable it seems, organizing and executing your own studio session is affordable, very achievable and probably one of the best opportunities you have for taking your photographic skills to the next level.

Benefits – Why You Should Rent a Studio

The main advantage of shooting in a studio is of course the ability to control and shape the quality of light. Shooting under studio lighting also has the pleasant side effect of making pretty much any camera capable of rendering sharp, well detailed images. All of this control and quality comes at a price, usually a fairly hefty price, so renting a studio space is a great way to gain experience without the financial pain of buying your own equipment. Studio rentals can be incredibly good value with a half day session costing as little as $75 per hour…not bad for one of the best photography investments you can make.

Hints for Renting a Studio Space

Whilst finding a studio should be relatively easy (usually it only requires a simple Internet search), there are a few things to be aware of before making a booking:
•Rates – Rates can vary greatly from studio to studio however so can the amount of time included, so it’s worth double checking especially when charges are listed by fractions of a day.
•Size – Studios come in a range of sizes and again this can have a bearing on hire charges, as a rule bigger spaces are better as they offer a greater array of creative options.
•Hidden Charges – Beware of hidden fees, examples include the use of consumables such as backdrop paper and parking which can make a big difference in terms of total rental cost.
•Overtime – Most studios will charge a premium for overtime and its important to be aware of these before booking. Plan your shoot carefully to avoid any overruns and nasty surprises.
•Equipment Hire – Whilst most studios include equipment hire within the total rate, some can apply additional charges so double check to see what is and isn’t included.
•Assistant/Tutoring – Some studios offer the use of an assistant in addition to hire of the studio space, this can be a great way to learn how to use available equipment and make the most of the session time. Sometimes the presence of a stranger can add pressure to the situation so don’t be afraid to go it alone
if you prefer

Those of us who call Las Vegas home, have endured many slights to our neon encrusted oasis.  From the very top of the political arena (Barak Obama) to the mid-western travelers of the red states, the grumblings of a morally bankrupt city have been heard.  But, as the attempts to sully her good name fade into oblivion, Las Vegas smiles as she survives generation after generation, providing to those all the fun and fantasy she can.

Honestly, for us who have established a business here (Alter Ego Studio), we love to hear of the strange, interesting and fantastical.  We in the entertainment industry are always waiting for the Las Vegas story.  We quietly snicker when Prince Harry has a  brief but much maligned romp with our city walls.  We equally have a Cheshire grin when Las Vegas becomes and remains a swing state for the Republican and Democratic parties. 

Las Vegas seems to be all things to all people.  The movie industry has embraced us as the place to start or end most of their films.  We are a mecca for Hollywood…a place academy award winners can sit next to the cast of The Hangover 3 on a level playing field.

Las Vegas is still not a place for kids…and we are ok with that.  It needs to harbor the big kids with their big tastes, big fantasy’s…and of course the big pool parties. 

We at Alter Ego Studio are in constant salute (pun intended) to Las Vegas…she is our sister-in-arms…and she will always be the Sexiest Woman Alive (although Mila Kunis is a good choice too!)

Las Vegas - Alter Ego Studio Salutes

Mila Kunis

Las Vegas Hot ChicksWith the end of Summer fast approaching, we here at Alter Ego Studio and The Viewfinders realized we had not paid proper homage to our Bikini clad finer gender.  Las Vegas, of late, has enjoyed a resurgence of Summer Pool goers.  Ladies and gentleman from across the nation flock to the cathedrals of decadence to soak in the rays and bask in the glow of the of the LasVegas pools.

The V Crew here at Alter Ego Studio has the pleasure, throughout the season, to have unfettered access to the pool areas for a variety of shoots.  We know how lucky we are to see the sights and sounds that we do.  That is why we wanted to reserve just a small space on our Blog to say thank you to the beautiful ladies and celebrity skin that graces the front of our lenses.


Las Vegas Summer

So…from Kim Kardashian to our tan and tone ladies visiting from across the globe…We Salute you!!!


Las Vegas = Alter Ego Studio

I know… a shameless plug for our studio.  but, The Viewfinders having just returned from New York and having worked there during the prep week for Fashion Week, we had to give a nod to one of the most exciting and visually stimulating events of the our industries year.

Fashion Models - Runway

The Viewfinders and Fashion Week

The models wafted across the runway this year with a marked confidence placed there seemingly by the designers themselves.  With a slightly strengthening economy, the veil of decadence was indeed again in place.  The heavy-weights of the industry were again awash with ideas and colors were again welcomed into their idea sets.  The interesting dichotomy however, was the appearance of the runway models themselves.  It was noticed that the presentation of the new fashions was marked often by the covering of the models with bold and transforming make up…often illuminating on them what could be their Alter Ego.

Model in Red

Model in Red

Model in Red

Fashion runway

Thank you to the designers, models, MUA’s, stylists and all who produce fashion week.  The colors, the tones, the geometry and brashness of the event make artists like The Viewfinders realize we are definitely not alone.

We at Alter Ego Studio always support the new, the outspoken and those on the edge.  Too often we in the artist community become complacent with our art and the enjoyment of others creativity.  Artists also forget to give the nod to those who put themselves in the limelight to be judged by the thousands and possibly millions who will see their work within the social networking arenas. 

All of us at Alter Ego love to see envelopes pushed and boundries crossed, if even by only inches.  As you can see from the video above of the Fashion Show presented by  Clothing boundries have been crossed and, if you will pardon the pun, removed.  It shows how fashion truly centers on the design and even with a minimalist design the fashion still shines through.

We also applaud artists like Sophia Vergara.  When are artists goes against the mainstream and places herself squarely on the opposite side of what is accepted in Hollywood they get our biggest salute.  Not only is Sophia a truly stunning woman, superb comedic actress but also one who wears her badge of individuality with pride.

Sophia, fashionsitas and artists alike…who all stand tall in their worlds…We salute you!!

Sophia Vergara

At least since the 20th century, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing. A golden rectangle can be cut into a square and a smaller rectangle with the same aspect ratio. Mathematicians since Euclid have studied the golden ratio because of its unique and interesting properties. The golden ratio is often called the golden section or golden mean.Other names include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section, golden proportion, golden cutgolden number, and mean of Phidias.

production still is a photograph taken on or off the set of a movie or television program during production. The photos were taken by studio photographers for promotional purposes. Such stills consisted of posed portraits, used for public display or free fan handouts, which are sometimes autographed. They can also consist of posed or candid images taken on the set during production, and may include stars, crew members or directors at work.

The main purpose of such publicity stills is to help studios advertise and promote their new films and stars. Studios therefore send those photos along with press kits and free passes to as many movie-related publications as possible so as to gain free publicity. Such photos were then used by newspapers and magazines, for example, to write stories about the stars or the films themselves. Hence, the studio gains free publicity for its films, while the publication gains free stories for its readers.

Catwoman - Dark Knight Rises 2012

When shooting production stills, there is the possibility that your work may be turned into concept art for the next installment or possibly for use in the current advertisement of the production.  Alter Ego Studio is involved in many aspects of the Nevada film industry including shooting production stills, castings and first looks.  With all roads seemingly ending in Vegas for most films, we are fortunate to be exposed to many wonderful productions both on the major and Indie levels. 

Keep in touch with the Nevada Film industry at

A negative energy has seemingly darkened the door of the photographic industry.  As a practicing member of the, I’ll term it, fraternity of professional photographers, I am witness to many industry changes may they be tech related or in the case of this article a social transmogrification.  The negative energy of which I write has origins in free trade and capitalism but echos through the halls of our democratic society.  Photographs, pictures and videos of all types are slowly being slipped from the hands of artists into the waiting grasp of societal sycophants wanting only to be paid for the effort of stealing a moment in time.  True photographers, professionals who have greatly earned the title are being set aside for the sensational and the fantastical.  Our work no longer hangs in the museums of contemporary culture but has been replaced by grotesque shades of what art should be.  Our work has lost the distinction of inspiring the onlooker rather, it is now evidence of the follies of the celebrity du jour or to prove that one of our superlative youth can indeed light afire his flatulence.

I find myself retreating into my studio of photography at times wondering if I will ever see the day that my colleagues and I are once again thought of as leaders of an indudstry instead of being members of hordes who mustered their quarters to make a trip to Verizon to purchase the newest camera/phone.  Perhaps one day soon I can peek out my studio door and see a horizon that consists of artists of all kinds being warmly lit by the setting sun and all of the members of the new TMZ Society were no where to be found…ah to dream.

Sites like YouTube and Vimeo have changed everything for photographers, in particular, wedding photographers.  While its great when a client posts their wedding video for the world to see, it can create a nightmare for photographers that use unlicensed music, as Joe Simon found out after he put together the video for Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Tony Romo.

As reported by ABC, Simon was threatened with a lawsuit and settled out of court after the video featuring Cold Play’s “Fix You” went viral.  The rest of the report goes on to talk about the licencing issues with small independent photographers/artists and recording artists.

We here at the studio have struggled with this issue ourselves.  We have looked for royalty free music that our clients want to hear with little success.  We see unlicensed music used all the time by photographers trying to appease their clients.  So that brought up a great questions.  Do we as photographers and videographers, who try to protect our rights get compensation for our craft have a moral obligation to pay for licencing of music, even if it will never be posted publicly?

We love artist Julian Beever’s pavement drawings.  If you have not seen is work, he is the guy that does all the 3D chalk drawing in public places.  A lot of his work is just exceptional.  As we sat here at the studio, looking through the images, we came across a couple that reminded us just how important the right angle is in photography.

Here is his work:

And here it is from the proper angle: